@ 2010:From Google: The words we searched this year @WaveDreamz

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@ 2010:From Google: The words we searched this year

@ 2010:From Google: The words we searched this year
New York:  What do the terms Chatroulette, iPad and Justin Bieber have in common? No, they are not a part of a new Internet-inspired movie; they were the "fastest rising" terms typed into Google's search engine over the past year.

During the closing month of the year, Google releases its Google Zeitgeist report that corrals and aggregates "billions of search queries people type into Google" over the year. Google says the "Zeitgeist captures the spirit of 2010."

This year's search terms were organised into categories based on news, technology, fastest-rising searches and fastest-falling, among a number of other groupings.

In a video accompanying the year's Zeitgeist, Google noted that this has been a year of struggles, with people searching for information on the European debt crisis, unemployment in the United States, and the earthquakes in Chile and Haiti.
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