Miss Germany Earth 2010 - Reingard Hagemann Photo Gallery| Reingard Hagemann Wiki @WaveDreamz

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Miss Germany Earth 2010 - Reingard Hagemann Photo Gallery| Reingard Hagemann Wiki

Miss Germany  Earth  2010 - Reingard Hagemann Photo Gallery

MISS GERMANY EARTH 2010 - Reingard Hagemann 

Reingard Hagemann  Wiki and Details:

Birth name : Reingard Hagemann
Age: 25
Birth place : Schwerin
Height : 1.76 m (5 ft 9 1⁄2 in)
Weight: 56 kilos
Measurements: 84-63-92.

INTERVIEW with Reingard Hagemann :

I believe that the biggest threat to our environment is us humans, our selfishness and our ignorance. I also think that campaigns and projects for the environment should involve children, not just adults.

Describe your childhood when you were growing up from 8 to 13 years old.

I have had the happiest growing years a child can imagine. A loving family, a dog and two cats and a big house in a small village next to a forest and a lake. As a child, I had plenty of opportunities and so I started dancing , singing, playing the piano, bowling , skiing and snowboarding. Every year my parents, my sister and I left for a vacation 3 times a year visiting nearly every European country. My parents tried to offer us nearly everything they could but they did not forget to educate us and teach us good manners as well.

Miss GERMANY EARTH 2010 - Reingard Hagemann Photo Galler

Miss Germany  Earth  2010 - Reingard Hagemann Photo Gallery

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Miss Germany  Earth  2010 - Reingard Hagemann Photo Gallery

Miss Germany  Earth  2010 - Reingard Hagemann Photo Gallery