Sex during pregnancy???
Pregnancy is the time when most women experience a change in their hormonal profile to such a degree that they may have to alter a lot of their regular activities to suit their mood at that time. Sex is one of those activities which might be the most affected. Many women do not enjoy sex at all during their pregnancy while others obtain maximum pleasure.
Is it safe to have sex during pregnancy?
during pregnancy is totally safe if not otherwise advised by the
doctor. Most women can have sex right until the last month of their
pregnancy if they do not feel uncomfortable. It is safe to have
intercourse since the baby is protected by a thick mucous plug that
seals the cervix and guards against infection.
Some of the medical reasons which require abstaining from sex are:
- Recent vaginal bleeding
- Preterm labour
- Ruptured membranes (broken water bag)
- Placenta praevia
- Infection with STDs