IPhone 4 customer response in Market @WaveDreamz

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IPhone 4 customer response in Market

Apple's IPhone are out now and lot of complaints and Non issue, Apple chief executive Steve Jobs told a MacRumors forumgoer via e-mail. "Just avoid holding it in that way."

The most prominent complaint on Thursday is customers noticing that touching the seams of the antenna band that runs around the iPhone 4--particularly when holding the iPhone 4 in their bare left hand--interrupts reception, slowly causing the phone to lose its signal.

Reports are surfacing that some iPhone 4 users are unwittingly strangling reception via the metal antennas surrounding the phone's body. 

Some iPhone 4 owners may find they strangle 3G reception after a minute or so if their hands are positioned touching the bottom bar and the side bar of the phone. Others are having trouble re-creating the problem, but it appears to vary by device, person, and location.

Boy Genius Report posted a YouTube videoThursday afternoon that showed the problem might be software-related. The person who posted the video was able to re-create the signal loss while gripping an iPhone 3G upgraded to iOS 4.