The film is expected to be a multi-starrer project and Telugu superstar Nagarjuna is also likely to perform an important role. Tentatively titled as ‘Mangaatha’, the film is reported to be an action-comedy and heroine will be confirmed shortly. Yuvan Shankar Raja will be scoring music and the same technicians of Venkat Prabhu’s previous films will be working in this film.
Gautham is not redy with Ajith's 50th Film
After a much confusions on Ajith Kumar’s 50th film, the final and official confirmation about this project has been revealed. The closer sources have admitted that Gowtham Menon will not be handling direction for this film due to some sort of indifferent opinions between him and Ajith Kumar. Now, it’s Venkat Prabhu signing the project and they’re planning to start the filming schedules by August.